Εducational Activities...


The Optimisation of Production Systems Laboratory is responsible for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate lessons.

The Optimisation of Production Systems Laboratory supports the following undergraduate courses in the Mechanical Engineers Department:


It also has the responsibility of the following postgraduate courses:

  • Environmental Impact Assessment, MSc in Energy Systems, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences / Heriot-Watt University
  • Energy Systems Optimisation, MSc in Energy Systems, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences / Heriot-Watt University

And participates in the course:

  • Technology Futures Module,  MSc in Energy Systems, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences / Heriot-Watt University (in collaboration with SEALAB)

OPS Lab has also the responsibility of the following postgraduate courses of the MSc Energy and Environmental Investments:


Within its activity fields the OPS Lab assigns dissertations for both postgraduate and undergraduate students with thematical cores associated with its research interests, as well numerous assignments in its teaching framework.

Finally one should mention that the OPS Lab has participated with scientific publications in national and international conferences whilst has also published papers in Scientific Journals.